Mental Health Connections provides integrated Psycho-Social Rehabilitation services to Windsor-Essex adults with mental health issues during their recovery process. Services are provided at no cost to clients, and all activities are used as wellness strategies. A large variety of activities are offered to cover the different interests and abilities of each individual client. Due to the global pandemic, our staff are making regular wellness calls to clients and all classes are virtual. Call the office at 519-256-4854 to request a call or to register for a class.
Weekly Specialized Programming
Various scheduled online activities are offered each day for clients to choose strategies to achieve their maximum potential for recovery.
In-house community presentations given twice per month are a valuable component of the scheduled events. As part of an ongoing public awareness effort, tours of the agency are given on an as requested basis as well as presentations in the community.
A schedule of activities is provided on a monthly basis for clients who attend MHC. Following is a list of activities offered to assist the wide range of interests for the large number of clients served at Mental Health Connections.