About Us

Notice for Monday, Feb 17, 2025, the office will be closed for Family Day. 
Enlarge or Download the calendar from here: MHC February 2025 Client Schedule

Mental Health Connections (MHC) was established in April 2004. MHC provides Psycho-Social Rehabilitation services (recovery strategies) to clients with a mental health concern as a result of an integration with three groups – Programmed Activity for Therapy and Health (PATH), Consumer Survivor Alliance of Windsor-Essex County (CSAW) and the Family Mental Health Network (FMHN).


MHC provides services to 1,000 plus clients who range from 16 to 84 years of age.  Since the successful integration, MHC has surpassed the level of service to our client base. Through careful planning, strategic partnerships and support of other community agencies, MHC has positioned itself as an integral transparent and necessary agency in Windsor-Essex.

MHC embraces a welcoming environment in which individuals can strive to maximize their potential by accessing a variety of strategies for recovery – educational, health and fitness, recreational, social, peer support and vocational activities. 

Our Board, staff, funders, volunteers and community partners can all be credited for the pride that we enjoy today with respect to the quality of services we are able to offer.